Canjica - the recipe


Picture by A Ligia Fotografia
I'm back and today I am actually sharing a nice recipe of canjica, this time with quantities!
I do remember on my last post about canjica that I gave few tips (if you missed that one, or you don't remember, click here), but I didn't give you quantities, the thing is I had never weighed the ingredients of canjica before, but after writing that post I promised myself, I would eventually do it, so here it is!
But before going to the recipe, I just want to tell you that if you don`t have a pressure cook, don`t worry it is still possible to make canjica, it just takes a lot longer, but trust me it is worth it.
And finally, if you live in a big town outside south america, you might find canjica in big supermarkets where they have a nice selection of Latin american products. If you don`t I suggest you look for this ingredient in small Asian markets, you would have to look for whole grain corn without the kernel (I don`t they use the word canjica), but if you explain what you`re looking for, you will probably find it!
I guess that`s it, I talked so much about this dish previously, that I don`t think I this should be a long post. So I guess I`ll see you on my next one!



  • 100g white canjica
  • 100g yellow canjica
  • 1 can condensed milk
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 100g desiccated coconut
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Clove
  • Star anis
  • 400mL water


  1. Soak the canjica for 10 hours (overnight)
  2. Cook the canjica with water, coconut milk and the spices. If you have a pressure cook it takes 20 minutes if you don`t, it takes 3 hours, and you have to check the liquids every 30 minutes (which means you might have to top it off a few times).
  3. After the canjica is cooked you add the desiccated coconut and the condensed milk and cook it for another 6 minutes.
  4. Serve it warm with some powdered cinnamon on top if you like.


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